Viewing all posts with tag: migration  

Migration and Household Finances: How a different framing can improve thinking about migration - A podcast featuring Tim Ogden

In this podcast, produced by the Development Policy Center at Australian National University, Tim Ogden discusses a necessary new lens for research on migration and household finances, based on a paper co-authored with Micheal Clemens. Typically, migrant remittances have been treated as windfall income by policy makers and researchers. However, from a family’s perspective, remittances from a relative overseas are a return on investment. Thus, migration itself is a strategy for financial management.

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Can Migration Patterns Help Predict COVID Outbreaks in South Asia?

Authors: Jean Lee (World Bank), Mahreen Mahmud (Oxford), Jonathan Morduch (NYU), Saravana Ravindran (UCLA), and Abu Shonchoy (Florida International U.). Click here for a PDF of this blog post.

Within one week in March, the lockdowns ordered by South Asian governments to combat the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reversed rural-to-urban migrant flows. Our team’s early analysis shows that migration patterns may help predict the location of COVID outbreaks.

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