A sampling of what we've been reading this week from around the web:
- FAI Researcher Jonathan Bauchet on "Details Matter: Insurance Makes Sense, So Why Isn’t it More Popular?"
- Nickeled and Dimed author Barbara Ehrenreich on "American Poverty, 50 years Later"
Some TED Talks that you may not have heard:
- Sendhil Mullainathan on "Solving Social Problems with a Nudge"
- Esther Duflo on "Social Experiments to fight Poverty"
- Eldar Shafir: "Living under Scarcity"
- Hans Rosling's "New Insights on Poverty"
- Nokia Researcher Jan Chipchase on how people interact with mobile phones.
- Iqbal Quadir says mobile phones fight poverty
- Richard Wilkinson on "How economic inequality harms societies."