Stories from around the web that we've been reading here at FAI. Tell us if we've been missing any must-reads via comments.
- A Patient's View on the Oregon Medicaid Experiment.
- "What is wrong (and right) in economics?" An Interview with Dani Rodrik.
- Cost of Delivering Rural Credit in India
- Timothy Ogden Participates in a Live chat: can the poor bank on financial services? (The chat appears in the comments section of The Guardian's blog.)
- The end of cash & the rise of prepaid cards in US
- Fine tuning money mgt concepts-- From income shaping to fuzzy goals by Ignacio Mas
- CGAP has published an insightful article on the relationship between market saturation and over-indebtedness
- The Reinhart-Rogoff episode: "There’s only one reliable way to verify empirical findings: Try to replicate them," say Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
- "Invest in Women? The effect of aid on female entrepreneurship." (on Chris Blattman's blog) Good discussion in the comments section, too!
- Banerjee and Ghatak on the chit fund crisis in W. Bengal
- If People Could Immigrate Anywhere, Would Poverty Be Eliminated?
- A Holistic Approach to Money Management by Elizabeth Rhyne