Stuff we've been reading over the past few weeks of August:
- Can aid become more effective and have greater impact if we engage private sector?
- NYT: Scanning 2.4 billion eyes, India tries to connect poor to growth
- Geo-enabling Aid Data: What is, and what’s next
- Achieving Max Long Run Growth (and the Poor) discussed by leading economists
- Ed Glaeser on the future of economics: "Sciences Still Young" in Harvard Magazine
- From the Development Research Institute: Gates and Benevolent Autocrats of the Republic of Public Health, by Alanna Shaikh & Laura Freschi
- NYU's Jonathan Morduch and Jonathan Bauchet wonder if selective knowledge is hampering microfinance research?
- CGAP asks: Why do the poor not use savings accounts? Can qualitative research help answer the question?
- Solving the Debate on Absolute vs. Relative Poverty
- Lies, Damn Lies and Surveys About Foreign Aid by Charles Kenny for CGDev
- CGAP's CEO speaks about how full financial inclusion is possible in our lifetime, the role of profits and M-PESA, and more