1. Credit: In 2013, 4 million workers, or about 3% of all employees, had wages garnished for a consumer debt in 2013 - sometimes at rates of up to 25% per paycheck. ProPublica
2. Poverty in the US: The poverty rate in the US dropped for the first time since 2006, but the number of Americans living in poverty remains the same. US Census Bureau
3. Microfinance: MFIs in West Africa respond to Ebola outbreak. While some are suspending operations, others are granting loan forgiveness, or spreading preventive information to their communities. CFI
4. Financial Inclusion: African countries participating in the 2014 Financial Access Survey reported a five-fold increase in depositors per 1,000 adults from 2004 to 2013, and 40% growth in real GDP per capita. IMF
5. Cash: In Germany, "Nur Bares ist Wahres" (cash is king). But why? Quartz