The faiV

Week of June 20, 2016

Note: This week’s edition of the faiV was written by FAI’s Program Administrator, JoAnne Williams. After dedicating over three years toward FAI’s mission, JoAnne will be moving on to pursue her MBA at Columbia Business School, where she plans to study Finance and Social Enterprise.

1. Financial Health: How should a financial services company assess its customers' financial health? Three financial services organizations, HelloWallet, Wells Fargo, and Solutions for Progress, have developed tools and metrics to measure the financial health of their customers. NextBillion

2. Housing Segregation: Housing instability as a repercussion of income volatility has been well documented, but what about the cycle and segregation of poverty in specific neighborhoods? Matthew Desmond's Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City and Mitchell Dunier's Ghetto: The Invention of a Place, the History of an Idea take a look at the history and complexity of living in concentrated poverty. The Atlantic Magazine - June 2016 Edition

3. Grit in Developing Countries: Is grit a useful predictor of success in developing economies? Roving Bandit

4. Financial Inclusion: Kenya has been spotlighted regionally and globally for tremendous gains in financial inclusion, but has access to formal and informal financial services reached the ultra-poor? Heyer and King discuss this question in the book Kenya's Financial Transformation in the 21st CenturyThe World Bank - All About Finance

5. Aging Workforce: A new Pew Research Center study highlights a growing trend of Americans working well into their retirement years. When compared to previous generations, older Americans are expected to stay in the labor force longer and work longer hours. 
Pew Research Center

Migration patterns leading up to Brexit.

Migration patterns leading up to Brexit.