Viewing all posts with tag: microfinance  

The Raining, Pouring Edition

Editor's Note: Just as I was returning from an excellent but exhausting weekend running a conference for my older son's ultra-rare genetic syndrome, my younger son broke his leg. Nothing like recovering from exhaustion by spending several nights sleeping in the pull-out chair/bed in a hospital room. And then Debby arrived on the US East Coast bringing 5 to 20 inches of rain, so the raining, pouring joke I'd been making all week seemed predestined.  
- Tim Ogden

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The Maybe Don't Hate Mondays Edition

Editor's Note: The next in the long series of faiV experiments—we're going to start sending it out on Mondays rather than Fridays for a bit. That gives me more time on Friday to assemble and write without it coming out well past the start of Asia/Europe weekends. We'll see how that goes on my side and on the opening/clicking side for a few weeks and then, who knows?

And just in case you need a reminder of a some good news, the cheaper of the new malaria vaccines is starting to be deployed in Ivory Coast today

- Tim Ogden

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The You Seem Vaguely Familiar Edition

Editor's Note: You're not hallucinating, experiencing a weird time warp or flashback. But maybe I am.  
- Tim Ogden

1. What the hell?
Yes, this is a new faiV, for the first time since [checks notes; checks notes again; checks calendar on current date; checks calendar on current date and year; hangs head in shame and disbelief] June, 2021. So, you (and I) could hardly be blamed for asking "What the hell happened?" The answer is complicated but mostly prosaic: my time has been focused on a seven-country financial diaries study, and three or four other field work projects that we've been running or participating in. But it's also that the world that the faiV existed in and was a part of has changed a lot. Here I don't mean the pandemic etc., at least not directly. I mean that the world of information creation and sharing has changed dramatically. As we contemplated reviving the faiV at various times in 2022 and 2023, we kept running into barriers like: what platform should we be using? What's getting through email filters now? How do we gather the information to write a faiV? Where are people posting now? 

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