Week of June 20, 2011

Week of June 2, 2011

Week of May 16, 2011

Week of May 12, 2011

Week of May 9, 2011

Week of April 29, 2011

Our weekly round-up of what we've been reading online:

Week of April 22, 2011

Lots of articles and blogs worth looking at this week. Everything from Milford Bateman’s take on why microfinance isn’t working to how the Mexican government built rigorous impact evaluation programs into its policy processes. Check it out and please add any must reads we missed via comments.
•    How We Choose--Looking at household healthcare choices in the U.S. and India 
•    IRIN Asia: Microfinance institutions pushed loans, admits BRAC 
•    "6 microfinance crises that the sector does not want to remember" at Microfinance Focus
•    Behavioral Economics and Microfinance: A Review of the Literature 
•    “Yunus’ unceremonious removal from Grameen Bank does Bangladesh no favours” says Barun Roy at the Business Standard  
•    "Has the microfinance bubble really burst?" Guest blog by Milford Bateman
•    The case for microfinance: responses to Milford Bateman from Malcolm Harper and Thankom Arun 
•    CNNMoney.com, “In developing economies, equity beats microfinance
•    CGAP series on savings: The Power of Successful, Market-led Savings Mobilization 
•    Indian Banks Seek Personal Guarantees from Microfinance Executives for Debt Restructuring
•    Miguel Székely explains how the Mexican government built rigorous impact evaluation into its policy process 
•    Andhra Pradesh government may start its own microfinance institution as a channel for credit to SHGs 
•    “The microfinance industry under the microscope” in The Globe and Mail

Week of April 14, 2011

Great reading this week—a new paper from Jonathan Conning and Jonathan Morduch, an interview with Jane Wales of the Global Philanthropy Forum, an op-ed debate between Professor Bhagwati and The Sunday Guardian's Zafar Sobhan, and more. Add any important links we missed via comments. 

Week of April 8, 2011

Week of March 31, 2011

There’s some great reading this week on behavioral economics, mobile banking, over-indebtedness, microinsurance and more. Check it out and if you would like to make an addition to the list, please do so via comments.