Week of March 14, 2010

Follow us on Twitter @financialaccess

3/19: Financial architect finds out how the poor live on $2 a day http://bit.ly/a7bUfq#microfinance

3/19: FAI report "Half the World is Unbanked" published in the McKinsey Quarterly: http://bit.ly/avouNe #microfinance

3/18: "Microfinance: Dream vs.reality" http://bit.ly/b9FwHO #microfinance

3/18: Stuart Rutherford: "Poor households in the financial diaries used 9-10 different financial tools to manage their money" http://bit.ly/99GsNE

3/16: Interview with Stuart Rutherford:"Micro-finance guru unveils new vision for poor" http://bit.ly/cDo346 #microfinance

3/16: Idea of the day: "coping diaries" (like financial diaries) examining how people cope in both normal and crisis periods. http://bit.ly/c0Mw8B

3/16: New book explores the SHG movement in India: "#Microfinance Self-Help Groups in India: living up to their promise?" http://bit.ly/aeqZ4J

Week of February 7, 2010

Follow us on Twitter @financialaccess

2/9: The Regulator’s Dilemma: Navigating Competition Policy http://shar.es/mn2lq via#microfinance

2/9: Cell-phone banking offers financial help to Third World - http://bit.ly/5DF7fH#microfinance

2/9: Forbes.com: "How to protect the world's most vulnerable banking clients" http://bit.ly/aMKwNu #microfinance
2/8: RT@poverty_action: IPA research that's good for your heart (literally!) http://www.newsweek.com/id/233006

2/8: MICROCAPITAL PAPER WRAP-UP: Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit http://bit.ly/aUu5dB #microfinance

2/8: FAI invites you to an event with Muhammand Yunus at NYU on March 5th. RSVP at http://bit.ly/apyrMl #microfinance

Week of January 31, 2010

Follow us on Twitter @financialaccess!

2/4: FAI research from "Half the World is Unbanked" cited in Susy Cheston's Congressional testimony on #microfinancehttp://bit.ly/di2KfN

2/3: New version of the FAI paper "Microfinance Games" available at http://bit.ly/9cH7I4#microfinance

2/3: New version of the FAI paper "Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit" released at http://bit.ly/bOSd15#microfinance

2/2: Microfinance requires no donor money, says MicroRate's Stauffenberg http://bit.ly/cun4Ej What about "Smart Subsidies"? http://bit.ly/9TmsrC

2/1: RT @poverty_action An "anti-nudge" on the way to Mexico...http://poverty-action.org/node/2570

2/1: Great video of Sendhil Mullainathan alking at TEDIndia: "Solving social problems with a nudge". http://bit.ly/cplO1A

2/1: New microinsurance journal launched at http://micro-risk.com/#microfinance

Week of January 24, 2010

1/28: Reading @IFMRTrust's response (http://bit.ly/d8eEgB) to our post (http://bit.ly/80FNV2) on their first multi-originator securitization.

1/27: "The Economics of #Microfinance" is on Stuart Rutherford's Top 5 list of books on the poor and their money. http://bit.ly/cZNOoP

1/27: From Princess Maxima: Microfinance needs to come as part of a rounded policy aimed at fighting poverty effectively. http://bit.ly/8uXp1g

1/25: Jonathan Morduch tells stories from the financial diaries on CBC: http://bit.ly/I8qo(use CTRL+F to search for Morduch) #microfinance

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