This edition of faiVLive—co-presented with the Aspen Institute Financial Security Program, brought together researchers and practitioners to look at how short-term savings work and don’t work, with a particular eye to whether and how savings for low-income households can be boosted.
Week of October 23rd, 2020
Editor's Note: There are several webinar links below, but let me start with a couple that are upcoming and worthy of note. On October 28th, we'll have the next edition of the faiVLive, focused on savings—specifically, what we've learned about how poor households save, and how much we still don't know about how to effectively support savings. I'll be joined by Jonathan, as well as Jessica Goldberg (development economist at UMd), Gen Melford (Aspen Institute's Financial Security Program), and Jonathan Lee (Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners). As the guest list implies we'll be talking about this from both a US and developing country perspective. Register here.
Also, if you're from the development wing of the faiV readership, don't forget to register for virtual NEUDC, coming up November 6 and 7.
Since so many of you were very interested in my links questioning resilience a few weeks back, and since I don't have space for another item in this edition, here's what looks like a great new paper: A Scoping Review of the Development Resilience Literature: Theory, Methods and Evidence (short version: resilience is too ill-defined as yet to be all that useful).
Oh, and I missed you.
–Tim Ogden
Servicios Financieros Digitales y la inclusión financiera en América Latina
La pandemia ha elevado el perfil de los Servicios Financieros Digitales (SFD), los cuales han permitido una distribución sorprendentemente rápida de los fondos de apoyo social, ofreciendo un camino para brindar servicios financieros de forma segura y a escala. Sin embargo, aún quedan asuntos importantes que considerar en cuanto al despliegue e impacto final de los SFD. ¿Quiénes están siendo excluidos? ¿Cómo podemos asegurarnos de que los nuevos actores y modelos empresariales incorporen las necesidades de las comunidades y los clientes de escasos recursos? Esta edición de faiVLive reúne a profesionales e investigadores expertos para abordar estas preguntas y debatir el camino a seguir para los SFD y la inclusión financiera en América Latina.
Con la participación de: Xavier Faz, Líder de Modelos Empresariales y Líder Regional de CGAP en América Latina y el Caribe, Barbara Magnoni, Presidente de EA Consultants y Co-fundadora de MeXCo Soluciones, Timothy Ogden, Director General de la Iniciativa de Acceso Financiero de NYU, Kiki Del Valle, Vicepresidente Sénior de Alianzas Digitales de Mastercard.
Moderador: Gabriela Zapata, Consultora de Inclusión Financiera y Salud Financiera.
Week of September 14th, 2020
Editor's Note: Of particular note, this Tuesday (September 15th) at 10am Eastern there is a special edition of faiVLive in Spanish covering Digital Financial Services in Latin America. I'll be hosting with Gabriela Zapata moderating, and Kiki DelValle, Barbara Magnoni, and Xavier Faz will be joining us. Register here.
I apologize in advance if the final links on resilience undermine your resilience at the beginning of the week.
–Tim Ogden
Read MoreWeek of August 21st, 2020
Editor's Note: I feel like the typical "everyone is gone in August" thing hasn't been happening this year, but there is so much that's different that I can't really tell. And while I took some time off in July, and even went somewhere, it didn't feel like a vacation since there was still so much effort needed figuring out what the boys and I could do in a time of distancing and lockdowns. I hope you have had some time mentally away, but you know, not all of your time mentally away.
--Tim Ogden
Week of July 25th, 2020
Editor's Note: It's been a bit more than four years that I've been writing the faiV and though I probably haven't had as many links as minutes in a year, it's a safe bet that there have been more than 200 faiVs and 4000 links in that time. So I took a bit of an unannounced hiatus for the month. I hope you missed the faiV.
If you did, and you'd be interested in being part of a feedback panel that we are putting together to help us make decisions about the future of the faiV, please just respond to this email. And if you missed us but think the faiV is already perfect, feel free to respond to say that, but more importantly, please tell a few friends and colleagues to subscribe.
In public services announcements, there are a couple of research funding opportunities that may be of interest to you: a) UNESCAP has a new RFP for evidence-based interventions to support women entrepreneurs (in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, Nepal, Samoa, or Vietnam); and b) ANDE and the Canadian IDRC have a call for Expressions of Interest on studying the experiences of women in venture accelerators in Latin America and SSA.
--Tim Ogden
Read MoreWeek of June 26th, 2020 (faiVLive)
This week’s faiV was a faiVLive — a webinar featuring a panel of experts discussing the future of digital financial services and inclusion.
Thanks to everyone who joined our faiVLive webinar about the future of Digital Financial Services on June 26th. If you weren’t able to join us live, you can watch a recording of the webinar through this link.
About the webinar:
The pandemic has raised the profile of digital financial services, which have enabled amazingly rapid distribution of social support funds and may provide a path forward for delivering financial services safely and at scale. But there are important questions left to consider about the roll-out and ultimate impact of DFS. This edition of faiVLive brings together expert practitioners and researchers to address these questions, ranging from the impact of DFS on MFIs to digital security.
Timothy Ogden, Managing Director of the NYU Financial Access Initiative
Tamara Cook, CEO, FSDKenya
Salah Goss, SVP, Government & Development, Mastercard
Moonmoon Shehrin, Digital Cluster Manager, Microfinance, BRAC
Gregory Chen, Lead Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
Graham Wright, Group Managing Director, MSC
This faiVLive is supported by the Mastercard Impact fund, and in collaboration with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth
Digital Financial Services, Inclusion, Exclusion and the Future of Pro-Poor FSPs
The pandemic has raised the profile of digital financial services, which have enabled amazingly rapid distribution of social support funds and may provide a path forward for delivering financial services safely and at scale. But there are important questions left to consider about the roll-out and ultimate impact of DFS. This edition of faiVLive brought together expert practitioners and researchers to address these questions, ranging from the impact of DFS on MFIs to digital security.
Read MoreWeek of June 16th, 2020
Editor's Note: As with many others, I've found it very difficult figuring out what to say in this moment. Below I give it my best effort. Here, a couple of housekeeping notes:
The next faiVLive on hard questions about the evolution of digital financial services will be on June 26th at 9am Eastern. I'll be joined by Tamara Cook, Salah Goss, Moonmoon Shehrin, Greg Chen and Graham Wright. Register here.
FAI Visiting Fellow Beth Rhyne has a new post about the responsibility of DFIs to step up to the existential crisis for microfinance.
It's Compass survey time again! Fill out the e-MFPs survey, which is focused on COVID-19 response and recovery.
—Tim Ogden
Week of May 29th, 2020
Editor's Note: Let's kick-off with a couple of public service announcements: The Household Finance Research Initiative at Dvara Research has a call for research proposals on household finance in India that is due on the 31st. The "tracks" are applied data science and primary research and there are 10 total grants available. Apply!
In the US, the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, the Gates Foundation and the Walmart Foundation also have a new RFP for research projects focused on "stabilizing workers during the Covid-19 crisis and offer pathways for longer-term economic security and mobility." For the first time ever, the BREAD conference on Development Economics will be live streamed. It's today and tomorrow at 11am Eastern. Here's the link for today, and the one for tomorrow. This morning Emma Riley will be presenting her work on providing microcredit to women business owners via mobile money accounts; others are on "Rationing the Commons" and "Manipulation Proof Machine Learning." Tomorrow, Morgan Hardy will present her paper with Gisella Kagy and Lena Song on bargaining behavior among microentrepreneurs, followed by papers on state capacity and taxation; and inequality and place-based policy.
—Tim Ogden
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