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Rethinking Poverty, Household Finance, and Microfinance

High-frequency data show that the material condition of poverty is only partly captured by overall insufficiency of resources. Instead, life in poverty is often characterized by the interaction of insufficiency × instability × illiquidity, visible when measuring poverty in shorter time units than the year. In this context, reducing instability and/or illiquidity can reduce exposure to poverty even when average earning power (overall insufficiency) is unchanged. The high-frequency view shows the power of intra-year consumption smoothing, while also showing that consumption smoothing often requires the spiking of spending. The instability revealed by the high-frequency view creates a tension between flexibility and structure in the design of behavioral financial products. In practice, microfinance borrowing and saving are often used to address the ups and downs of household spending needs rather than business needs. High-frequency instability also explains why ex post moral hazard (“strategic default”) is a particular problem for lenders (rather than the textbook ex ante moral hazard depiction) and, in turn, why joint liability is difficult to sustain. The installment structure of typical microfinance loan contracts (i.e., high-frequency repayments) is similar to the structure of consumer lending products and contractual saving products, explaining how microfinance loans work naturally for purposes other than business investment, even when that departs from lenders’ nominal intentions. The high-frequency view helps to show why microfinance loans remain popular as financial tools despite modest measured impacts on average household income.

Economics and the Social Meaning of Money

The Social Meaning of Money too shows how preferences develop and are reinforced by social contexts. Economists have not yet paid much attention to preference formation, but the work so far suggests that it is a promising path for empirical inquiry, especially as researchers look to next steps in understanding the economics of gender and the nature of decision-making under conditions of substantial scarcity.

By Jonathan Morduch

Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit: Experimental and Survey Evidence From Rural India

We use experimental measures of time discounting and risk aversion for villagers in south India to highlight behavioral features of microcredit, a financial tool designed to reduce poverty and fix credit market imperfections. The evidence suggests that microcredit contracts may do more than reduce moral hazard and adverse selection by imposing new forms of discipline on borrowers. We find that, conditional on borrowing from any source, women with present-biased preferences are more likely than others to borrow through microcredit institutions. Another particular contribution of microcredit may thus be to provide helpful structure for borrowers seeking self-discipline. 

Borrowing to Save: Perspectives from Portfolios of the Poor

It’s not surprising that saving is hard for many of us. We’re impatient, temptations are at hand, and savings devices are seldom ideal. By the same token, it would not be surprising to find that we have a hard time keeping money in the bank. But, puzzlingly, new studies give examples of people withdrawing funds less often than neoclassical economic theory suggests they should (e.g., relative to the simulations of optimal savings in Deaton 1991). And, paradoxically, it is often the same people who had trouble saving who also have trouble drawing down their savings. Some are so reluctant to dis-save that they willingly borrow at expensive interest rates to avoid touching their savings. 

Access to Finance: Chapter 2, Handbook of Development Economics, Volume 5

Expanding access to financial services holds the promise to help reduce poverty and spur economic development. But, as a practical matter, commercial banks have faced challenges expanding access to poor and low-income households in developing economies, and nonprofits have had limited reach. We review recent innovations that are improving the quantity and quality of financial access. They are taking possibilities well beyond early models centered on providing “microcredit” for small business investment. We focus on new credit mechanisms and devices that help households manage cash flows, save, and cope with risk. Our eye is on contract designs, product innovations, regulatory policy, and ultimately economic and social impacts. We relate the innovations and empirical evidence to theoretical ideas, drawing links in particular to new work in behavioral economics and to randomized evaluation methods.