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Resumen Ejecutivo: Digitalización de las IMF en el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica

Desafiando las dificultades en predicciones de los expertos al comienzo de la pandemia, las instituciones de microfinanzas en la región del Triángulo Norte de América Central mostraron una gran resiliencia ante los desafíos de la pandemia de Covid-19. A pesar de su escala relativamente pequeña, o quizás debido a esto, las IMF estudiadas mantuvieron una rentabilidad estable, en su mayoría han crecido desde la pandemia y han demostrado ser muy adaptables al cambio digital.

Executive Summary: MFI Digitization in Central America’s Northern Triangle

Defying dire predictions from experts at the start of the pandemic, microfinance institutions in the Northern Triangle region of Central America showed great resilience through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite their relatively small scale—or perhaps because of it—the MFIs studied maintained stable profitability, have mostly grown since the pandemic, and have proven very adaptable to digital change.

MFI Digitization in Central America’s Northern Triangle: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Defying dire predictions from experts at the start of the pandemic, microfinance institutions in the Northern Triangle region of Central America showed great resilience through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite their relatively small scale, or perhaps because of it, the MFIs maintained stable profitability, and have proven to be very adaptable to digital change. This paper presents findings from a study to assess microfinance sector digitization, commissioned by the Financial Access Initiative at NYU-Wagner with funding from the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth.