Academic insights into exactly how microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their personnel work are surprisingly scarce. In our recent study, we provide detailed quantitative insights into the job of loan officers, arguably the key microfinance personnel, in India. We document loan officers’ tasks, their time use and output, and describe how they adapted to the new challenges arising with Covid-19. There has been a lot of attention to how lockdowns and restrictions affected borrowers’ ability to repay, and on the mechanics of repayment, but much less on the impact on loan officers themselves and how they adapted to a sudden major change in their work. In this post, we’ll summarize a few of the key findings of our study that shed light on important issues for the MFI sector in planning for recovery.
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A Summer of Flux (Part 3): The "courage" factor
We opened the previous piece in this series with the Serenity Prayer, which asks for the strength to accept the things one cannot change and the ‘courage’ to change the things one can. That installment explored the first limb - what are the external factors that affect how institutions cope with crises? This piece examines the second bit: what can financial providers do to respond to a crisis. This is, in particular, the heart of the Sentinel Project. What are the tough decisions that microfinance leaders are making, how are they resolving their challenges, and how are they making those decisions? Many of these choices are at least in part irrevocable. That’s why we aim to capture them as they are made, rather than with ex-post justification or explanation. Doing nothing is also a choice (and sometimes just waiting things out is the best choice), and so it does take something like courage to act, and some measure of resolve to follow through.
There are many possible actions and choices to consider: re-negotiating and re-structuring funding, executing operational changes, business ‘pivots’ and the launch of new products, among them. What emerges from the many months of interviews with Sentinels to date is a fascinating breadth of responses to the challenges the pandemic has presented.
Read MoreA Turbulent Spring: the First Three Months of Sentinel Reports from a Crisis-Laden Year (Part I)
March to May 2021 have been difficult months for microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world; repeated waves of Covid have wreaked havoc in many countries, and the cautious optimism of late-2020 in many places gave way to resignation and pessimism. Here we track the real-time challenges and decisions of MFI leaders (“Sentinels”), and report on client communication strategies, downsizing, digitalization, emergency credit lines and more.
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