Viewing all posts with tag: Inequality  

Building an Inclusive Financial System

In 2009, FAI founder Jonathan Morduch was part of a group that determined “half the world is unbanked.” Ten years later, the latest Global Findex tells us that the world’s unbanked population has been nearly cut in half. A combination of focused public and private efforts, aided by technology advances, yielded massive, though uneven, progress. It’s worth celebrating the gains, but also reflecting on what is still left to do. What lessons have we learned from the last 20 years that can close the rest of the inclusion gap? Why has inclusion in wealthier countries stalled? What does the inclusion agenda leave undone? How can technology be part of building more bridges to excluded communities?

This edition of the faiVLive was based on a new report from the Aspen Institute’s Financial Security Program, Building An Inclusive Financial System, that tackles those questions and more.

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Week of September 14th, 2020

Editor's Note: Of particular note, this Tuesday (September 15th) at 10am Eastern there is a special edition of faiVLive in Spanish covering Digital Financial Services in Latin America. I'll be hosting with Gabriela Zapata moderating, and Kiki DelValle, Barbara Magnoni, and Xavier Faz will be joining us. Register here.

I apologize in advance if the final links on resilience undermine your resilience at the beginning of the week.

–Tim Ogden

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Week of August 21st, 2020

Editor's Note: I feel like the typical "everyone is gone in August" thing hasn't been happening this year, but there is so much that's different that I can't really tell. And while I took some time off in July, and even went somewhere, it didn't feel like a vacation since there was still so much effort needed figuring out what the boys and I could do in a time of distancing and lockdowns. I hope you have had some time mentally away, but you know, not all of your time mentally away.
--Tim Ogden

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Week of May 11th, 2020

Editor's Note: I recently learned that my paper with Michael Clemens (that one I referred to last week that took 5 years from submission to publication) on rethinking migration from the perspective of household finance is among the top 10% of downloads at Development Policy Review so if you're eager to read something non-pandemic check it out. Apparently at least a few other people have done so. And the paper on what is happening with microcredit in Pakistan is now officially published.

–Tim Ogden

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Week of April 27, 2020

Editor's Note: In the last faiV I noted that the question "How are you?" didn't seem like it could survive the pandemic. Here's an article from The Atlantic on some alternatives. But my favorite alternative so far is a different answer rather than question. Hans Dieter Seibel passed on that his colleague Marion Levy Jr. has a standard response to "How are you?" that seems especially apposite now: "Terrible. But I'm glad you asked."

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